
Extract information from of a list of TextWorld games.

usage: tw-extract [-h] [-f] [--merge] [-q | -v]
                  {vocab,entities,walkthroughs,commands} ...

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: vocab, entities, walkthroughs, commands

Type of information to extract.

Named Arguments

-q, --quiet

Default: False

-v, --verbose

Default: False

General settings

-f, --force

Default: False


Merge extracted information to existing output file.

Default: False



Extract vocabulary.

tw-extract vocab [-h] [-f] [--merge] [-q | -v] [--output OUTPUT]
                 [--theme THEME]
                 [game [game ...]]

Positional Arguments


List of TextWorld games (.ulx|.z8|.json).

Named Arguments

-q, --quiet

Default: False

-v, --verbose

Default: False


Output file containing all words (.txt). Default: “vocab.txt”

Default: “vocab.txt”


Provide a text grammar theme from which to extract words.

General settings

-f, --force

Default: False


Merge extracted information to existing output file.

Default: False


Extract entity names.

tw-extract entities [-h] [-f] [--merge] [-q | -v] [--output OUTPUT]
                    game [game ...]

Positional Arguments


List of TextWorld games (.ulx|.z8|.json).

Named Arguments

-q, --quiet

Default: False

-v, --verbose

Default: False


Output file containing all entity names (.txt). Default: “entities.txt”

Default: “entities.txt”

General settings

-f, --force

Default: False


Merge extracted information to existing output file.

Default: False


Extract walkthroughs.

tw-extract walkthroughs [-h] [-f] [--merge] [-q | -v] [--output OUTPUT]
                        game [game ...]

Positional Arguments


List of TextWorld games (.ulx|.json).

Named Arguments

-q, --quiet

Default: False

-v, --verbose

Default: False


Output file containing all walkthroughs (.txt). Default: “walkthroughs.txt”

Default: “walkthroughs.txt”

General settings

-f, --force

Default: False


Merge extracted information to existing output file.

Default: False


Extract all possible commands.

tw-extract commands [-h] [-f] [--merge] [-q | -v] [--output OUTPUT]
                    game [game ...]

Positional Arguments


List of TextWorld games (.ulx|.json).

Named Arguments

-q, --quiet

Default: False

-v, --verbose

Default: False


Output file containing all commands (.txt). Default: “commands.txt”

Default: “commands.txt”

General settings

-f, --force

Default: False


Merge extracted information to existing output file.

Default: False