Source code for textworld.generator.logger

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import pickle
import textwrap
from collections import defaultdict

__all__ = ["GameLogger"]

def zero():
    return 0

def empty_list():
    return []

def update_bincount(arr, count):
    """ Update bincount in-place. """
    if count >= len(arr):
        extend_size = count - len(arr) + 1
        arr += [0] * extend_size

    arr[count] += 1

def merge_bincout(arr1, arr2):
    arr = [0] * max(len(arr1), len(arr2))
    for i, v in enumerate(arr1):
        arr[i] += v

    for i, v in enumerate(arr2):
        arr[i] += v

    return arr

[docs]class GameLogger: def __init__(self, group_actions=True): self.group_actions = group_actions # Stats self.n_games = 0 self.dist_obj_type = defaultdict(zero) self.dist_obj_type_count = defaultdict(empty_list) self.dist_cmd_type = defaultdict(zero) self.dist_final_cmd_type = defaultdict(zero) self.dist_quest_count = [] self.dist_quest_length_count = [] self.dist_obj_count = [] self.dist_inventory_size = [] self.quests = set() self.objects = set() # TODO: # Get statistic for: # - Avg. description length # - Avg. number of container/supporters # - Avg. number of items in container/on supporters # - Avg. number of free exits per world # - Avg. number of doors per world # - Avg. number of contiendoor per world # - Distribution of the commands type # - Distribution of the objects names # - Number of already seen environments # - Number of commands per game
[docs] def collect(self, game): self.n_games += 1 # Collect distribution of nb. of commands. update_bincount(self.dist_quest_count, len(game.quests)) # Collect distribution of commands leading to winning events. for quest in game.quests: self.quests.add(quest.desc) for event in quest.win_events: actions = event.actions update_bincount(self.dist_quest_length_count, len(actions)) for action in actions: action_name = if self.group_actions: action_name = action_name.split("-")[0].split("/")[0] self.dist_cmd_type[action_name] += 1 self.dist_final_cmd_type[action_name] += 1 # Collect distribution of object's types. dist_obj_type = defaultdict(lambda: 0) interactable_objects = inventory = for obj in interactable_objects: self.objects.add(game.infos[].name) dist_obj_type[obj.type] += 1 nb_objects = 0 for type_ in game.kb.types: if type_ in ["I", "P", "t", "r"]: continue count = dist_obj_type[type_] nb_objects += count self.dist_obj_type[type_] += count update_bincount(self.dist_obj_type_count[type_], count) update_bincount(self.dist_obj_count, nb_objects) update_bincount(self.dist_inventory_size, len(inventory))
[docs] def display_stats(self): print(self.stats())
[docs] def stats(self): txt = textwrap.dedent("""\ Nb. games: {n_games} Quests count: {dist_quest_count} ({unique_quest_count} unique) Quest length count: {dist_quest_length_count} Objects: {dist_obj_count} ({unique_obj_count} unique) Inventory: {dist_inventory_size} Objects types overall: {dist_obj_type} Objects types per game: {dist_obj_type_count} Commands types [{nb_cmd_type}]: {dist_cmd_type} Final command types [{nb_final_cmd_type}]: {dist_final_cmd_type} """) def bincount_str(bincount): text = [] for i, c in enumerate(bincount): text.append(str(c)) if (i + 1) % 5 == 0 and (i + 1) < len(bincount): text.append("|") return " ".join(text) def frequencies_str(freqs): if len(freqs) == 0: return "" text = [] labels_max_len = max(map(len, freqs.keys())) total = float(sum(freqs.values())) for k in sorted(freqs.keys()): text += ["{}: {:5.1%}".format(k.rjust(labels_max_len), freqs[k] / total)] return "\n ".join(text) dist_quest_count = bincount_str(self.dist_quest_count) dist_quest_length_count = bincount_str(self.dist_quest_length_count) dist_inventory_size = bincount_str(self.dist_inventory_size) dist_cmd_type = frequencies_str(self.dist_cmd_type) dist_final_cmd_type = frequencies_str(self.dist_final_cmd_type) dist_obj_count = bincount_str(self.dist_obj_count) dist_obj_type = " ".join("{}:{}".format(k, self.dist_obj_type[k]) for k in sorted(self.dist_obj_type.keys())) dist_obj_type_count = "\n ".join(type_ + ": " + bincount_str(self.dist_obj_type_count[type_]) for type_ in sorted(self.dist_obj_type_count.keys())) txt = txt.format(n_games=self.n_games, dist_quest_count=dist_quest_count, unique_quest_count=len(self.quests), dist_quest_length_count=dist_quest_length_count, dist_cmd_type=dist_cmd_type, dist_final_cmd_type=dist_final_cmd_type, dist_obj_count=dist_obj_count, unique_obj_count=len(self.objects), dist_obj_type=dist_obj_type, dist_obj_type_count=dist_obj_type_count, dist_inventory_size=dist_inventory_size, nb_cmd_type=len(self.dist_cmd_type), nb_final_cmd_type=len(self.dist_final_cmd_type)) return txt
[docs] def aggregate(self, other): assert self.group_actions == other.group_actions self.n_games += other.n_games for k, v in other.dist_obj_type.items(): self.dist_obj_type[k] += v for k, v in other.dist_obj_type_count.items(): self.dist_obj_type_count[k] = merge_bincout(self.dist_obj_type_count[k], v) for k, v in other.dist_cmd_type.items(): self.dist_cmd_type[k] += v for k, v in other.dist_final_cmd_type.items(): self.dist_final_cmd_type[k] += v self.dist_quest_count = merge_bincout(self.dist_quest_count, other.dist_quest_count) self.dist_quest_length_count = merge_bincout(self.dist_quest_length_count, other.dist_quest_length_count) self.dist_obj_count = merge_bincout(self.dist_obj_count, other.dist_obj_count) self.dist_inventory_size = merge_bincout(self.dist_inventory_size, other.dist_inventory_size) self.quests |= other.quests self.objects |= other.objects
[docs] def save(self, filename): with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=2)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f)