Source code for textworld.gym.spaces.text_spaces

import re
import string
import numpy as np

import gym
import gym.spaces

[docs]class VocabularyHasDuplicateTokens(ValueError): pass
[docs]class Char(gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete): """ Character observation/action space This space consists of a series of `gym.spaces.Discrete` objects all with the same parameters. Each `gym.spaces.Discrete` can take integer values between 0 and len(self.vocab). Notes ----- The following special token will be prepended (if needed) to the vocabulary: * '#' : Padding token """ def __init__(self, max_length, vocab=None, extra_vocab=[]): """ Parameters ---------- max_length : int Maximum number of characters in a text. vocab : list of char, optional Vocabulary defining this space. It shouldn't contain any duplicate characters. If not provided, the vocabulary will consists in characters [a-z0-9], punctuations [" ", "-", "'"] and padding '#'. extra_vocab : list of char, optional Additional tokens to add to the vocabulary. """ if vocab is None: vocab = list(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) vocab += [" ", "-", "'"] vocab += extra_vocab if len(vocab) != len(set(vocab)): raise VocabularyHasDuplicateTokens() self.max_length = max_length self.PAD = "#" special_tokens = [self.PAD] self.vocab = [t for t in special_tokens if t not in vocab] self.vocab += list(vocab) self.vocab_set = set(self.vocab) # For faster lookup. self.vocab_size = len(self.vocab) self.id2c = {i: c for i, c in enumerate(self.vocab)} self.c2id = {c: i for i, c in self.id2c.items()} self.PAD_id = self.c2id[self.PAD] super().__init__([len(self.vocab) - 1] * self.max_length) self.dtype = np.int64 # Overwrite Gym's dtype=int8.
[docs] def filter_unknown(self, text): """ Strip out all characters not in the vocabulary. """ return "".join(c for c in text if c in self.vocab_set)
[docs] def tokenize(self, text, padding=False): """ Tokenize characters found in the vocabulary. Note: text will be padded up to `self.max_length`. """ text = self.filter_unknown(text.lower()) ids = [self.c2id[c] for c in text] # Add padding. if padding: nb_pads = self.max_length - len(ids) msg = "Provided `max_length` was not large enough ({} chars).".format(len(ids)) assert nb_pads >= 0, msg ids += [self.PAD_id] * nb_pads return np.array(ids)
def __repr__(self): return "Character({})".format(self.max_length)
[docs]class Word(gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete): """ Word observation/action space This space consists of a series of `gym.spaces.Discrete` objects all with the same parameters. Each `gym.spaces.Discrete` can take integer values between 0 and `len(self.vocab)`. Notes ----- The following special tokens will be prepended (if needed) to the vocabulary: * '<PAD>' : Padding * '<UNK>' : Unknown word * '<S>' : Beginning of sentence * '</S>' : End of sentence Example ------- Let's create an action space that can be used with :py:meth:`textworld.gym.register_game <textworld.gym.utils.register_game>`. We are going to assume actions are short phrases up to 8 words long. >>> import textworld >>> gamefiles = ["/path/to/game.ulx", "/path/to/another/game.z8"] >>> vocab = textworld.vocab.extract_from(gamefiles) >>> vocab = sorted(vocab) # Sorting the vocabulary, optional. >>> action_space = textworld.gym.text_spaces.Word(max_length=8, vocab=vocab) """ def __init__(self, max_length, vocab): """ Parameters ---------- max_length : int Maximum number of words in a text. vocab : list of strings Vocabulary defining this space. It shouldn't contain any duplicate words. """ if len(vocab) != len(set(vocab)): raise VocabularyHasDuplicateTokens() self.max_length = max_length self.PAD = "<PAD>" self.UNK = "<UNK>" self.BOS = "<S>" self.EOS = "</S>" self.SEP = "<|>" special_tokens = [self.PAD, self.UNK, self.EOS, self.BOS, self.SEP] self.vocab = [w for w in special_tokens if w not in vocab] self.vocab += list(vocab) self.vocab_set = set(self.vocab) # For faster lookup. self.vocab_size = len(self.vocab) self.id2w = {i: w for i, w in enumerate(self.vocab)} self.w2id = {w: i for i, w in self.id2w.items()} self.PAD_id = self.w2id[self.PAD] self.UNK_id = self.w2id[self.UNK] self.BOS_id = self.w2id[self.BOS] self.EOS_id = self.w2id[self.EOS] self.SEP_id = self.w2id[self.SEP] super().__init__([len(self.vocab) - 1] * self.max_length) self.dtype = np.int64 # Overwrite Gym's dtype=int8.
[docs] def tokenize(self, text, padding=False): """ Tokenize words found in the vocabulary. Note: text will be padded up to `self.max_length`. """ text = text.lower() # Work only with lowercase letters. # Find beginning and end of sentences. text = text.replace(".", " </S> <S> ") text = "<S> " + text + " </S>" # Strip out all non-alphabetic characters. text = text.replace("'", "") text = re.sub("[^a-z0-9 <S>/]", " ", text) # TODO: convert numbers to text? # Get words ids and replace unknown words with <UNK>. words = text.split() ids = [self.w2id.get(w, self.UNK_id) for w in words] # Add padding. if padding: nb_pads = self.max_length - len(ids) msg = "Provided `max_length` was not large enough ({} words).".format(len(ids)) assert nb_pads >= 0, msg ids += [self.PAD_id] * nb_pads return np.array(ids)
def __repr__(self): return "Word(L={}, V={})".format(self.max_length, self.vocab_size)