Source code for textworld.gym.utils

from typing import List, Optional

import gym
from gym.envs.registration import register, registry

from textworld import EnvInfos

[docs]def register_games(gamefiles: List[str], request_infos: Optional[EnvInfos] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, auto_reset: bool = False, max_episode_steps: int = 50, asynchronous: bool = True, action_space: Optional[gym.Space] = None, observation_space: Optional[gym.Space] = None, name: str = "", **kwargs) -> str: """ Make an environment that will cycle through a list of games. Arguments: gamefiles: Paths for the TextWorld games (`*.ulx|*.z[1-8]`). request_infos: For customizing the information returned by this environment (see :py:class:`textworld.EnvInfos <textworld.envs.wrappers.filter.EnvInfos>` for the list of available information). .. warning:: Only supported for TextWorld games (i.e., with a corresponding `*.json` file). batch_size: If provided, it indicates the number of games to play at the same time. By default, a single game is played at once. .. warning:: When `batch_size` is provided (even for batch_size=1), `env.step` expects a list of commands as input and outputs a list of states. `env.reset` also outputs a list of states. auto_reset: If `True`, each game *independently* resets once it is done (i.e., reset happens on the next `env.step` call). Otherwise, once a game is done, subsequent calls to `env.step` won't have any effects. max_episode_steps: Number of steps allocated to play each game. Once exhausted, the game is done. asynchronous: If `True`, games in the batch are played in parallel. Only when batch size is greater than one. action_space: The action space be used with OpenAI baselines. (see :py:class:`textworld.gym.spaces.Word <textworld.gym.spaces.text_spaces.Word>`). observation_space: The observation space be used with OpenAI baselines (see :py:class:`textworld.gym.spaces.Word <textworld.gym.spaces.text_spaces.Word>`). name: Name for the new environment, i.e. "tw-{name}-v0". By default, the returned env_id is "tw-v0". Returns: The corresponding gym-compatible env_id to use. Example: >>> from textworld.generator import make_game, compile_game >>> options = textworld.GameOptions() >>> options.seeds = 1234 >>> game = make_game(options) >>> game.extras["more"] = "This is extra information." >>> gamefile = compile_game(game) <BLANKLINE> >>> import gym >>> import textworld.gym >>> from textworld import EnvInfos >>> request_infos = EnvInfos(description=True, inventory=True, extras=["more"]) >>> env_id = textworld.gym.register_games([gamefile], request_infos) >>> env = gym.make(env_id) >>> ob, infos = env.reset() >>> print(infos["extra.more"]) This is extra information. """ env_id = "tw-{}-v0".format(name) if name else "tw-v0" # If env already registered, bump the version number. if env_id in registry.env_specs: base, _ = env_id.rsplit("-v", 1) versions = [int(env_id.rsplit("-v", 1)[-1]) for env_id in registry.env_specs if env_id.startswith(base)] env_id = "{}-v{}".format(base, max(versions) + 1) entry_point = "textworld.gym.envs:TextworldBatchGymEnv" if batch_size is None: batch_size = 1 entry_point = "textworld.gym.envs:TextworldGymEnv" register( id=env_id, entry_point=entry_point, kwargs={ 'gamefiles': gamefiles, 'request_infos': request_infos, 'batch_size': batch_size, 'asynchronous': asynchronous, 'auto_reset': auto_reset, 'max_episode_steps': max_episode_steps, 'action_space': action_space, 'observation_space': observation_space, **kwargs} ) return env_id
[docs]def register_game(gamefile: str, request_infos: Optional[EnvInfos] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, auto_reset: bool = False, max_episode_steps: int = 50, asynchronous: bool = True, action_space: Optional[gym.Space] = None, observation_space: Optional[gym.Space] = None, name: str = "", **kwargs) -> str: """ Make an environment for a particular game. Arguments: gamefile: Path for the TextWorld game (`*.ulx|*.z[1-8]`). request_infos: For customizing the information returned by this environment (see :py:class:`textworld.EnvInfos <textworld.envs.wrappers.filter.EnvInfos>` for the list of available information). .. warning:: Only supported for TextWorld games (i.e., with a corresponding `*.json` file). batch_size: If provided, it indicates the number of games to play at the same time. By default, a single game is played at once. .. warning:: When `batch_size` is provided (even for batch_size=1), `env.step` expects a list of commands as input and outputs a list of states. `env.reset` also outputs a list of states. auto_reset: If `True`, each game *independently* resets once it is done (i.e., reset happens on the next `env.step` call). Otherwise, once a game is done, subsequent calls to `env.step` won't have any effects. max_episode_steps: Number of steps allocated to play each game. Once exhausted, the game is done. asynchronous: If `True`, games in the batch are played in parallel. Only when batch size is greater than one. action_space: The action space be used with OpenAI baselines. (see :py:class:`textworld.gym.spaces.Word <textworld.gym.spaces.text_spaces.Word>`). observation_space: The observation space be used with OpenAI baselines (see :py:class:`textworld.gym.spaces.Word <textworld.gym.spaces.text_spaces.Word>`). name: Name for the new environment, i.e. "tw-{name}-v0". By default, the returned env_id is "tw-v0". Returns: The corresponding gym-compatible env_id to use. Example: >>> from textworld.generator import make_game, compile_game >>> options = textworld.GameOptions() >>> options.seeds = 1234 >>> game = make_game(options) >>> game.extras["more"] = "This is extra information." >>> gamefile = compile_game(game) <BLANKLINE> >>> import gym >>> import textworld.gym >>> from textworld import EnvInfos >>> request_infos = EnvInfos(description=True, inventory=True, extras=["more"]) >>> env_id = textworld.gym.register_game(gamefile, request_infos) >>> env = gym.make(env_id) >>> ob, infos = env.reset() >>> print(infos["extra.more"]) This is extra information. """ return register_games( gamefiles=[gamefile], request_infos=request_infos, batch_size=batch_size, max_episode_steps=max_episode_steps, asynchronous=asynchronous, action_space=action_space, observation_space=observation_space, name=name, **kwargs )