Source code for textworld.core

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from typing import Optional, Any, List, Tuple, Iterable

import sys
import textwrap
from io import StringIO

[docs]class EnvInfos: """ Customizing what information will be returned by an environment. Information can be requested by setting one or more attributes to True. The attribute `extras` should be a list of strings corresponding to keys in the metadata dictionary of TextWorld generated games. """ __slots__ = ['feedback', 'description', 'inventory', 'location', 'facts', 'last_action', 'last_command', 'game', 'won', 'lost', 'score', 'moves', 'max_score', 'objective', 'entities', 'verbs', 'command_templates', 'admissible_commands', 'intermediate_reward', 'policy_commands', 'extras'] def __init__(self, **kwargs): #: bool: Text observation produced by the game in response to previous command. #: This information changes from one step to another. = kwargs.get("feedback", False) #: bool: Text description of the current room, i.e. output of the #: `look` command. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.description = kwargs.get("description", False) #: bool: Text listing of the player's inventory, i.e. output of the #: `inventory` command. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.inventory = kwargs.get("inventory", False) #: bool: Name of the player's current location. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.location = kwargs.get("location", False) #: bool: All the facts that are currently true about the world. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.facts = kwargs.get("facts", False) #: bool: The last action performed where `None` means it was not a valid action. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.last_action = kwargs.get("last_action", False) #: bool: The last command performed where `None` means it was not a valid command. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.last_command = kwargs.get("last_command", False) #: bool: Current game in its serialized form. Use with `textworld.Game.deserialize`. = kwargs.get("game", False) #: bool: Whether the player won the game. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.won = kwargs.get("won", False) #: bool: Whether the player lost the game. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.lost = kwargs.get("lost", False) #: bool: All commands relevant to the current state. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.admissible_commands = kwargs.get("admissible_commands", False) #: bool: Sequence of commands leading to a winning state. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.policy_commands = kwargs.get("policy_commands", False) #: bool: Reward (proxy) indicating if the player is making progress. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.intermediate_reward = kwargs.get("intermediate_reward", False) #: bool: Number of moves done so far in the game. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.moves = kwargs.get("moves", False) #: bool: Current score of the game. #: This information changes from one step to another. self.score = kwargs.get("score", False) #: bool: Maximum reachable score of the game. #: This information *doesn't* change from one step to another. self.max_score = kwargs.get("max_score", False) #: bool: Objective of the game described in text. #: This information *doesn't* change from one step to another. self.objective = kwargs.get("objective", False) #: bool: Names of all entities in the game. #: This information *doesn't* change from one step to another. self.entities = kwargs.get("entities", False) #: bool: Verbs understood by the the game. #: This information *doesn't* change from one step to another. self.verbs = kwargs.get("verbs", False) #: bool: Templates for commands understood by the the game. #: This information *doesn't* change from one step to another. self.command_templates = kwargs.get("command_templates", False) #: List[str]: Names of extra information which are game specific. self.extras = kwargs.get("extras", []) # Check `kwargs` keys are all valid. unknown_keys = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(self.__slots__) if len(unknown_keys) > 0: msg = ("Unknown information requested: {}.".format(sorted(unknown_keys)) + " Available information are: {}".format(sorted(self.__slots__))) raise ValueError(msg) @property def basics(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ Information requested excluding the extras. """ return [slot for slot in self.__slots__ if slot != "extras" and getattr(self, slot)] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.basics) + len(self.extras)
[docs]class GameState(dict): def __getattr__(self, attr): return self.get(attr, None) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): return self.__setitem__(attr, value)
[docs]class Environment: r""" Class allowing to interact with the game's interpreter. The role of an `Environment` is to handle the communication between user code and the backend interpreter that manages the text-based game. The overall `Environment` structure is highly inspired by `OpenAI's gym <>`_. Example ------- Here's a minimal example of how to interact with an `Environment` >>> import textworld >>> options = textworld.GameOptions() >>> options.seeds = 1234 >>> options.nb_objects = 5 >>> options.quest_length = 2 >>> game_file, _ = textworld.make(options, path='./') # Generate a random game. >>> env = textworld.start(game_file) # Load the game. >>> game_state = env.reset() # Start a new game. >>> env.render() I hope you're ready to go into rooms and interact with objects, because you've just entered TextWorld! Here is how to play! First thing I need you to do is to ensure that the type G chest is open. And then, pick up the keycard from the type G chest inside the attic. Got that? Good! <BLANKLINE> -= Attic =- You arrive in an attic. A normal kind of place. You begin to take stock of what's in the room. <BLANKLINE> You make out a type G chest. You can see a TextWorld style locker. The TextWorld style locker contains a frisbee and a sock. <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> There is a TextWorld style key on the floor. >>> command = "take key" # Command to send to the game. >>> game_state, reward, done = env.step(command) >>> env.render() (the TextWorld style key) You pick up the TextWorld style key from the ground. """ def __init__(self, infos: Optional[EnvInfos] = None) -> None: """ Arguments: infos: Information to be included in the game state. By default, only the game's narrative is included. """ self.state = GameState() self.infos = infos or EnvInfos()
[docs] def load(self, path: str) -> None: """ Loads a new text-based game. Arguments: path: Path to the game file to load. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def step(self, command: str) -> Tuple[GameState, float, bool]: """ Performs a given command. Arguments: command: Text command to send to the interpreter. Returns: A tuple containing the new game state, a reward for performing that command and reaching this new state, and whether the game is finished or not. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def reset(self) -> GameState: """ Starts game from the beginning. Returns: Initial state of the game. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def seed(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Sets the seed for the random number generator. """ return []
[docs] def render(self, mode: str = "human") -> Optional[str]: """ Renders the current state of the game. Args: mode: The mode to use for rendering. """ outfile = StringIO() if mode in ['ansi', "text"] else sys.stdout msg = + "\n" if self.display_command_during_render and self.state.last_command is not None: msg = '> ' + self.state.last_command + "\n" + msg # Wrap each paragraph. if mode == "human": paragraphs = msg.split("\n") paragraphs = ["\n".join(textwrap.wrap(paragraph, width=80)) for paragraph in paragraphs] msg = "\n".join(paragraphs) outfile.write(msg + "\n") if mode == "text": return if mode == 'ansi': return outfile
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Ends the game. """ pass
@property def display_command_during_render(self) -> bool: """ Enables/disables displaying the command when rendering. """ if not hasattr(self, "_display_command_during_render"): self.display_command_during_render = False return self._display_command_during_render @display_command_during_render.setter def display_command_during_render(self, value: bool) -> None: self._display_command_during_render = value def __del__(self) -> None: self.close() def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__class__.__name__
[docs]class Wrapper: """ Special environment that wraps others to provide new functionalities. Special environment that wraps other :py:class:`Environment` objects to provide new functionalities (e.g. transcript recording, viewer, etc). """ def __init__(self, env: Optional[Environment] = None) -> None: """ Args: env: environment to wrap. """ self._wrap(env) def __call__(self, env: Environment) -> Environment: """ Args: env: environment to wrap. Returns: The wrapped environment. """ self._wrap(env) return self def _wrap(self, env) -> None: """ Stores reference to the wrapped environment. Args: env: environment to wrap. """ self._wrapped_env = env def __getattr__(self, attr: str): _wrapped_env = self.__dict__.get("_wrapped_env") if _wrapped_env is None: _wrapped_env = getattr(super(), attr, None) if _wrapped_env: return getattr(_wrapped_env, attr) return super().__getattribute__(attr) @property def unwrapped(self): if hasattr(self._wrapped_env, "unwrapped"): return self._wrapped_env.unwrapped return self._wrapped_env
[docs] def load(self, path: str) -> None: return self._wrapped_env.load(path)
[docs] def step(self, command: str) -> Tuple[GameState, float, bool]: return self._wrapped_env.step(command)
[docs] def reset(self) -> GameState: return self._wrapped_env.reset()
[docs] def seed(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> List[int]: return self._wrapped_env.seed(seed)
[docs] def render(self, mode: str = "human") -> Optional[Any]: return self._wrapped_env.render(mode)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: if self._wrapped_env: self._wrapped_env.close()
@property def display_command_during_render(self) -> bool: return self._wrapped_env.display_command_during_render() @display_command_during_render.setter def display_command_during_render(self, value: bool) -> None: self._wrapped_env.display_command_during_render = value def __str__(self) -> str: return "{}.{}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._wrapped_env)
[docs]class Agent: """ Interface for any agent that want to play a text-based game. """
[docs] def reset(self, env: Environment) -> None: """ Let the agent set some environment's flags. Args: env: TextWorld environment. """ pass
[docs] def act(self, game_state: GameState, reward: float, done: bool) -> str: """ Acts upon the current game state. Args: game_state: Current game state. reward: Accumulated reward up until now. done: Whether the game is finished. Returns: Text command to be performed in this current state. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def finish(self, game_state: GameState, reward: float, done: bool) -> None: """ Let the agent know the game has finished. Args: game_state: Game state at the moment the game finished. reward: Accumulated reward up until now. done: Whether the game has finished normally or not. If False, it means the agent's used up all of its actions. """ pass
@property def wrappers(self): return []
[docs]class GameNotRunningError(RuntimeError): """ Error when game is not running (either has terminiated or crashed). """ def __init__(self): msg = ("Game is not running at the moment. Reset the environment to" " start a new game using `env.reset()`.") super().__init__(msg)
[docs]class EnvInfoMissingError(NameError): """ Thrown whenever some environment information EnvInfos. """ def __init__(self, requester, info): msg = ("The info '{info}' requested by `{requester}` is missing." " Make sure it is enabled like so `Environment(infos=EnvInfos(`{info}`=True))`.") super().__init__(msg.format(info=info, requester=requester))