Source code for textworld.gym.core

from typing import Mapping, Any

from textworld import EnvInfos

[docs]class Agent: """ Interface for any agent playing TextWorld games. """ @property def infos_to_request(self) -> EnvInfos: """ Returns what additional information should be made available at each game step. Requested information will be included within the `infos` dictionary passed to `Agent.act()`. To request specific information, create a :py:class:`textworld.EnvInfos <textworld.envs.wrappers.filter.EnvInfos>` and set its attributes to `True` accordingly. In addition to the standard information, certain games may have specific information that can be requested via the `extras` attribute. Refer to the documentation specific to the game to know more (see :py:mod:`textworld.challenges`). Example: Here is an example of how to request information and retrieve it. >>> from textworld import EnvInfos >>> request_infos = EnvInfos(description=True, inventory=True) ... >>> env = gym.make(env_id) >>> ob, infos = env.reset() >>> print(infos["description"]) >>> print(infos["inventory"]) """ return EnvInfos()
[docs] def act(self, obs: str, score: int, done: bool, infos: Mapping[str, Any]) -> str: """ Acts upon the current list of observations. One text command must be returned for each observation. Arguments: obs: Previous command's feedback (game's narrative). score: The score obtained so far. done: Whether the game is finished. infos: Additional information requested. Returns: Text command to be performed. If episode has ended (i.e. `done` is `True`), the returned value is expected to be ignored. """ raise NotImplementedError()