Source code for textworld.logic

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque
from functools import total_ordering, lru_cache
from tatsu.model import NodeWalker
import textwrap
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Sequence

    from typing import Collection
except ImportError:
    # Collection is new in Python 3.6 -- fall back on Iterable for 3.5
    from typing import Iterable as Collection

from textworld.logic.model import GameLogicModelBuilderSemantics
from textworld.logic.parser import GameLogicParser
from textworld.utils import uniquify, unique_product

from mementos import memento_factory, with_metaclass

# We use first-order logic to represent the state of the world, and the actions
# that can be applied to it.  The relevant classes are:
# - Variable: a logical variable representing an entity in the world
# - Proposition: a predicate applied to some variables, e.g. in(cup, kitchen)
# - Action: an action that modifies the state of the world, with propositions as
#   pre-/post-conditions
# - State: holds the set of factual propositions in the current world state
# - Placeholder: a formal parameter to a predicate
# - Predicate: an unevaluated predicate, e.g. in(object, container)
# - Rule: a template for an action, with predicates as pre-/post-conditions

# Performance note: many of these classes are performance-critical.  The
# optimization techniques used in their implementation include:
# - Immutability, which enables heavy object sharing
# - Using __slots__ to save memory and speed up attribute access
# - For classes that appear as dictionary keys or in sets, we cache the hash
#   code in the _hash field
# - For those same classes, we implement __eq__() like this:
#       return self.attr1 == other.attr1 and self.attr2 == other.attr2
#   rather than like this:
#       return (self.attr1, self.attr2) == (other.attr1, other.attr2)
#   to avoid allocating tuples
# - List comprehensions are preferred to generator expressions

def _check_type_conflict(name, old_type, new_type):
    if old_type != new_type:
        raise ValueError("Conflicting types for `{}`: have `{}` and `{}`.".format(name, old_type, new_type))

class _ModelConverter(NodeWalker):
    Converts TatSu model objects to our types.

    def __init__(self, logic=None):
        self._cache = {}
        self._logic = logic

    def _unescape(self, string):
        # Strip quotation marks
        return string[1:-1]

    def _unescape_block(self, string):
        # Strip triple quotation marks and dedent
        string = string[3:-3]
        return textwrap.dedent(string)

    def walk_list(self, l):
        return [self.walk(node) for node in l]

    def _walk_variable_ish(self, node, cls):
        name =
        result = cls(name, node.type)

        cached = self._cache.get(name)
        if cached:
            _check_type_conflict(name, cached.type, result.type)
            result = cached
            self._cache[name] = result

        return result

    def _walk_action_ish(self, node, cls):

        pre = []
        post = []

        for precondition in node.preconditions:
            condition = self.walk(precondition.condition)
            if precondition.preserve:


        return cls(, pre, post)

    def walk_VariableNode(self, node):
        return self._walk_variable_ish(node, Variable)

    def walk_SignatureNode(self, node):
        return Signature(, node.types)

    def walk_PropositionNode(self, node):
        return Proposition(, self.walk(node.arguments))

    def walk_ActionNode(self, node):
        return self._walk_action_ish(node, Action)

    def walk_PlaceholderNode(self, node):
        return self._walk_variable_ish(node, Placeholder)

    def walk_PredicateNode(self, node):
        return Predicate(, self.walk(node.parameters))

    def walk_RuleNode(self, node):
        return self._walk_action_ish(node, Rule)

    def walk_AliasNode(self, node):
        return Alias(self.walk(node.lhs), self.walk(node.rhs))

    def walk_PredicatesNode(self, node):
        for pred_or_alias in self.walk(node.predicates):
            if isinstance(pred_or_alias, Signature):

    def walk_RulesNode(self, node):
        for rule in self.walk(node.rules):

    def walk_ReverseRuleNode(self, node):
        self._logic._add_reverse_rule(node.lhs, node.rhs)

    def walk_ReverseRulesNode(self, node):

    def walk_ConstraintsNode(self, node):
        for constraint in self.walk(node.constraints):

    def walk_Inform7TypeNode(self, node):
        name =
        kind = self._unescape(node.kind)
        definition = self._unescape(node.definition) if node.definition else None
        self._logic.inform7._add_type(Inform7Type(name, kind, definition))

    def walk_Inform7PredicateNode(self, node):
        return Inform7Predicate(self.walk(node.predicate), self._unescape(node.source))

    def walk_Inform7PredicatesNode(self, node):
        for i7pred in self.walk(node.predicates):

    def walk_Inform7CommandNode(self, node):
        return Inform7Command(node.rule, self._unescape(node.command), self._unescape(node.event))

    def walk_Inform7CommandsNode(self, node):
        for i7cmd in self.walk(node.commands):

    def walk_Inform7CodeNode(self, node):
        code = self._unescape_block(node.code)

    def walk_Inform7Node(self, node):

    def walk_TypeNode(self, node):
        name =
        supertypes = node.supertypes
        if supertypes is None:
            supertypes = []

        self._type = Type(name, supertypes)


    def walk_DocumentNode(self, node):

_PARSER = GameLogicParser(semantics=GameLogicModelBuilderSemantics(), parseinfo=True)

def _parse_and_convert(*args, **kwargs):
    model = _PARSER.parse(*args, **kwargs)
    return _ModelConverter().walk(model)

[docs]@total_ordering class Type: """ A variable type. """ def __init__(self, name: str, parents: Iterable[str]): = name self.parents = tuple(parents) def _attach(self, hier: "TypeHierarchy"): self._hier = hier @property def parent_types(self) -> Iterable["Type"]: """ The parents of this type as Type objects. """ return (self._hier.get(name) for name in self.parents) @property def ancestors(self) -> Iterable["Type"]: """ The ancestors of this type (not including itself). """ return self._hier.closure(self, lambda t: t.parent_types) @property def supertypes(self) -> Iterable["Type"]: """ This type and its ancestors. """ yield self yield from self.ancestors
[docs] def is_supertype_of(self, other: "Type") -> bool: return self in other.supertypes
[docs] def has_supertype_named(self, name: str) -> bool: return self._hier.get(name).is_supertype_of(self)
@property def children(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ The names of the direct children of this type. """ return self._hier._children[] @property def child_types(self) -> Iterable["Type"]: """ The direct children of this type. """ return (self._hier.get(name) for name in self.children) @property def descendants(self) -> Iterable["Type"]: """ The descendants of this type (not including itself). """ return self._hier.closure(self, lambda t: t.child_types) @property def subtypes(self) -> Iterable["Type"]: """ This type and its descendants. """ yield self yield from self.descendants
[docs] def is_subtype_of(self, other: "Type") -> bool: return self in other.subtypes
[docs] def has_subtype_named(self, name: str) -> bool: return self._hier.get(name).is_subtype_of(self)
def __str__(self): if self.parents: return "{} : {}".format(, ", ".join(self.parents)) else: return def __repr__(self): return "Type({!r}, {!r})".format(, self.parents) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Type): return == else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash( def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Type): return < else: return NotImplemented
[docs]class TypeHierarchy: """ A hierarchy of types. """ def __init__(self): self._types = {} self._children = defaultdict(list) self._cache = {}
[docs] def add(self, type: Type): if in self._types: raise ValueError("Duplicate type {}".format( type._attach(self) self._types[] = type for parent in type.parents: children = self._children[parent] children.append( children.sort() # Adding a new type invalidates the cache. self._cache = {}
[docs] def get(self, name: str) -> Type: return self._types[name]
def __iter__(self): yield from self._types.values() def __len__(self): return len(self._types)
[docs] def closure(self, type: Type, expand: Callable[[Type], Iterable[Type]]) -> Iterable[Type]: r""" Compute the transitive closure in a type lattice according to some type relationship (generally direct sub-/super-types). Such a lattice may look something like this:: A / \ B C \ / D so the closure of D would be something like [B, C, A]. """ return self._bfs_unique(type, expand)
def _multi_expand(self, types: Collection[Type], expand: Callable[[Type], Iterable[Type]]) -> Iterable[Collection[Type]]: """ Apply the expand() function to every element of a type sequence in turn. """ for i in range(len(types)): expansion = list(types) for replacement in expand(expansion[i]): expansion[i] = replacement yield tuple(expansion)
[docs] def multi_closure(self, types: Collection[Type], expand: Callable[[Type], Iterable[Type]]) -> Iterable[Collection[Type]]: r""" Compute the transitive closure of a sequence of types in a type lattice induced by some per-type relationship (generally direct sub-/super-types). For a single type, such a lattice may look something like this:: A / \ B C \ / D so the closure of D would be something like [B, C, A]. For multiple types at once, the lattice is more complicated:: __ (A,A) __ / | | \ (A,B) (A,C) (B,A) (C,A) ******************************* (A,D) (B,B) (B,C) (C,B) (C,C) (D,A) ******************************* (B,D) (C,D) (D,B) (D,C) \ | | / \_ (D,D) _/ """ return self._bfs_unique(types, lambda ts: self._multi_expand(ts, expand))
def _bfs_unique(self, start, expand): """ Apply breadth-first search, returning only previously unseen nodes. """ seen = set() queue = deque(expand(start)) while queue: item = queue.popleft() yield item for expansion in expand(item): if expansion not in seen: seen.add(expansion) queue.append(expansion)
[docs] def multi_ancestors(self, types: Collection[Type]) -> Iterable[Collection[Type]]: """ Compute the ancestral closure of a sequence of types. If these are the types of some variables, the result will be all the function parameter types that could also accept those variables. """ return self.multi_closure(types, lambda t: t.parent_types)
[docs] def multi_supertypes(self, types: Collection[Type]) -> Iterable[Collection[Type]]: """ Computes the ancestral closure of a sequence of types, including the initial types. """ yield tuple(types) yield from self.multi_ancestors(types)
[docs] def multi_descendants(self, types: Collection[Type]) -> Iterable[Collection[Type]]: """ Compute the descendant closure of a sequence of types. If these are the types of some function parameters, the result will be all the variable types that could also be passed to this function. """ return self.multi_closure(types, lambda t: t.child_types)
[docs] def multi_subtypes(self, types: Collection[Type]) -> List[Collection[Type]]: """ Computes the descendant closure of a sequence of types, including the initial types. """ types = tuple(types) if types not in self._cache: self._cache[types] = [types] + list(self.multi_descendants(types)) return self._cache[types]
[docs]@total_ordering class Variable: """ A variable representing an object in a world. """ __slots__ = ("name", "type", "_hash") def __init__(self, name: str, type: Optional[str] = None): """ Create a Variable. Parameters ---------- name : The (unique) name of the variable. type : optional The type of the variable. Defaults to the same as the name. """ = name if type is None: type = name self.type = type self._hash = hash((, self.type))
[docs] def is_a(self, type: Type) -> bool: return type.has_subtype_named(self.type)
def __str__(self): if self.type == return else: return "{}: {}".format(, self.type) def __repr__(self): return "Variable({!r}, {!r})".format(, self.type) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Variable): return == and self.type == other.type else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return self._hash def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Variable): return (, self.type) < (, other.type) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, expr: str) -> "Variable": """ Parse a variable expression. Parameters ---------- expr : The string to parse, in the form `name` or `name: type`. """ return _parse_and_convert(expr, rule_name="onlyVariable")
[docs] def serialize(self) -> Mapping: return { "name":, "type": self.type, }
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data: Mapping) -> "Variable": return cls(data["name"], data["type"])
SignatureTracker = memento_factory( 'SignatureTracker', lambda cls, args, kwargs: ( cls, kwargs.get("name", args[0] if len(args) >= 1 else None), tuple(kwargs.get("types", args[1] if len(args) == 2 else [])) ) )
[docs]@total_ordering class Signature(with_metaclass(SignatureTracker, object)): """ The type signature of a Predicate or Proposition. """ __slots__ = ("name", "types", "_hash") def __init__(self, name: str, types: Iterable[str]): """ Create a Signature. Parameters ---------- name : The name of the proposition/predicate this signature is for. types : The types of the parameters to the proposition/predicate. """ = name self.types = tuple(types) self._hash = hash((, self.types)) def __str__(self): return "{}({})".format(, ", ".join(map(str, self.types))) def __repr__(self): return "Signature({!r}, {!r})".format(, self.types) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Signature): return == and self.types == other.types else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return self._hash def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Signature): return (, self.types) < (, other.types) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, expr: str) -> "Signature": """ Parse a signature expression. Parameters ---------- expr : The string to parse, in the form `name(type [, type]*)`. """ return _parse_and_convert(expr, rule_name="onlySignature")
PropositionTracker = memento_factory( 'PropositionTracker', lambda cls, args, kwargs: ( cls, kwargs.get("name", args[0] if len(args) >= 1 else None), tuple( for v in kwargs.get("arguments", args[1] if len(args) == 2 else [])) ) )
[docs]@total_ordering class Proposition(with_metaclass(PropositionTracker, object)): """ An instantiated Predicate, with concrete variables for each placeholder. """ __slots__ = ("name", "arguments", "signature", "_hash") def __init__(self, name: str, arguments: Iterable[Variable] = []): """ Create a Proposition. Parameters ---------- name : The name of the proposition. arguments : The variables this proposition is applied to. """ = name self.arguments = tuple(arguments) self.signature = Signature(name, [var.type for var in self.arguments]) self._hash = hash((, self.arguments)) @property def names(self) -> Collection[str]: """ The names of the variables in this proposition. """ return tuple([ for var in self.arguments]) @property def types(self) -> Collection[str]: """ The types of the variables in this proposition. """ return self.signature.types def __str__(self): return "{}({})".format(, ", ".join(map(str, self.arguments))) def __repr__(self): return "Proposition({!r}, {!r})".format(, self.arguments) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Proposition): return == and self.arguments == other.arguments else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return self._hash def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Proposition): return (, self.arguments) < (, other.arguments) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, expr: str) -> "Proposition": """ Parse a proposition expression. Parameters ---------- expr : The string to parse, in the form `name(variable [, variable]*)`. """ return _parse_and_convert(expr, rule_name="onlyProposition")
[docs] def serialize(self) -> Mapping: return { "name":, "arguments": [var.serialize() for var in self.arguments], }
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data: Mapping) -> "Proposition": name = data["name"] args = [Variable.deserialize(arg) for arg in data["arguments"]] return cls(name, args)
[docs]@total_ordering class Placeholder: """ A symbolic placeholder for a variable in a Predicate. """ __slots__ = ("name", "type", "_hash") def __init__(self, name: str, type: Optional[str] = None): """ Create a Placeholder. Parameters ---------- name : The name of this placeholder. type : optional The type of variable represented. Defaults to the name with any trailing apostrophes stripped. """ = name if type is None: type = name.rstrip("'") self.type = type self._hash = hash((, self.type)) def __str__(self): if self.type =="'"): return else: return "{}: {}".format(, self.type) def __repr__(self): return "Placeholder({!r}, {!r})".format(, self.type) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Placeholder): return == and self.type == other.type else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return self._hash def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Placeholder): return (, self.type) < (, other.type) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, expr: str) -> "Placeholder": """ Parse a placeholder expression. Parameters ---------- expr : The string to parse, in the form `name` or `name: type`. """ return _parse_and_convert(expr, rule_name="onlyPlaceholder")
[docs] def serialize(self) -> Mapping: return { "name":, "type": self.type, }
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data: Mapping) -> "Placeholder": return cls(data["name"], data["type"])
[docs]@total_ordering class Predicate: """ A boolean-valued function over variables. """ def __init__(self, name: str, parameters: Iterable[Placeholder]): """ Create a Predicate. Parameters ---------- name : The name of this predicate. parameters : The symbolic arguments to this predicate. """ = name self.parameters = tuple(parameters) self.signature = Signature(name, [ph.type for ph in self.parameters]) @property def names(self) -> Collection[str]: """ The names of the placeholders in this predicate. """ return tuple([ for ph in self.parameters]) @property def types(self) -> Collection[str]: """ The types of the placeholders in this predicate. """ return self.signature.types def __str__(self): return "{}({})".format(, ", ".join(map(str, self.parameters))) def __repr__(self): return "Predicate({!r}, {!r})".format(, self.parameters) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Predicate): return (, self.parameters) == (, other.parameters) else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((, self.parameters)) def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Predicate): return (, self.parameters) < (, other.parameters) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, expr: str) -> "Predicate": """ Parse a predicate expression. Parameters ---------- expr : The string to parse, in the form `name(placeholder [, placeholder]*)`. """ return _parse_and_convert(expr, rule_name="onlyPredicate")
[docs] def serialize(self) -> Mapping: return { "name":, "parameters": [ph.serialize() for ph in self.parameters], }
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data: Mapping) -> "Predicate": name = data["name"] params = [Placeholder.deserialize(ph) for ph in data["parameters"]] return cls(name, params)
[docs] def substitute(self, mapping: Mapping[Placeholder, Placeholder]) -> "Predicate": """ Copy this predicate, substituting certain placeholders for others. Parameters ---------- mapping : A mapping from old to new placeholders. """ params = [mapping.get(param, param) for param in self.parameters] return Predicate(, params)
[docs] def instantiate(self, mapping: Mapping[Placeholder, Variable]) -> Proposition: """ Instantiate this predicate with the given mapping. Parameters ---------- mapping : A mapping from Placeholders to Variables. Returns ------- The instantiated Proposition with each Placeholder mapped to the corresponding Variable. """ args = [mapping[param] for param in self.parameters] return Proposition(, args)
[docs] def match(self, proposition: Proposition) -> Optional[Mapping[Placeholder, Variable]]: """ Match this predicate against a concrete proposition. Parameters ---------- proposition : The proposition to match against. Returns ------- The mapping from placeholders to variables such that `self.instantiate(mapping) == proposition`, or `None` if no such mapping exists. """ if != return None else: return {ph: var for ph, var in zip(self.parameters, proposition.arguments)}
[docs]class Alias: """ A shorthand predicate alias. """ def __init__(self, pattern: Predicate, replacement: Iterable[Predicate]): self.pattern = pattern self.replacement = tuple(replacement) def __str__(self): return "{} = {}".format(self.pattern, " & ".join(map(str, self.replacement))) def __repr__(self): return "Alias({!r}, {!r})".format(self.pattern, self.replacement)
[docs] def expand(self, predicate: Predicate) -> Collection[Predicate]: """ Expand a use of this alias into its replacement. """ if predicate.signature == self.pattern.signature: mapping = dict(zip(self.pattern.parameters, predicate.parameters)) return tuple([pred.substitute(mapping) for pred in self.replacement]) else: return predicate
[docs]class Action: """ An action in the environment. """ def __init__(self, name: str, preconditions: Iterable[Proposition], postconditions: Iterable[Proposition]): """ Create an Action. Parameters ---------- name : The name of this action. preconditions : The preconditions that must hold before this action is applied. postconditions : The conditions that replace the preconditions once applied. """ = name self.command_template = None self.reverse_name = None self.reverse_command_template = None self.preconditions = tuple(preconditions) self.postconditions = tuple(postconditions) self._pre_set = frozenset(self.preconditions) self._post_set = frozenset(self.postconditions) @property def variables(self): if not hasattr(self, "_variables"): self._variables = tuple(uniquify(var for prop in self.all_propositions for var in prop.arguments)) return self._variables @property def all_propositions(self) -> Collection[Proposition]: """ All the pre- and post-conditions. """ return self.preconditions + self.postconditions @property def added(self) -> Collection[Proposition]: """ All the new propositions being introduced by this action. """ return self._post_set - self._pre_set @property def removed(self) -> Collection[Proposition]: """ All the old propositions being removed by this action. """ return self._pre_set - self._post_set def __str__(self): # Infer carry-over preconditions for pretty-printing pre = [] for prop in self.preconditions: if prop in self._post_set: pre.append("$" + str(prop)) else: pre.append(str(prop)) post = [str(prop) for prop in self.postconditions if prop not in self._pre_set] return "{} :: {} -> {}".format(, " & ".join(pre), " & ".join(post)) def __repr__(self): return "Action({!r}, {!r}, {!r})".format(, self.preconditions, self.postconditions) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Action): return (, self._pre_set, self._post_set) == (, other._pre_set, other._post_set) else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((, self._pre_set, self._post_set))
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, expr: str) -> "Action": """ Parse an action expression. Parameters ---------- expr : The string to parse, in the form `name :: [$]proposition [& [$]proposition]* -> proposition [& proposition]*`. """ return _parse_and_convert(expr, rule_name="onlyAction")
[docs] def serialize(self) -> Mapping: return { "name":, "preconditions": [prop.serialize() for prop in self.preconditions], "postconditions": [prop.serialize() for prop in self.postconditions], "command_template": self.command_template, "reverse_name": self.reverse_name, "reverse_command_template": self.reverse_command_template, }
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data: Mapping) -> "Action": name = data["name"] pre = [Proposition.deserialize(prop) for prop in data["preconditions"]] post = [Proposition.deserialize(prop) for prop in data["postconditions"]] action = cls(name, pre, post) action.command_template = data.get("command_template") action.reverse_name = data.get("reverse_name") action.reverse_command_template = data.get("reverse_command_template") return action
[docs] def inverse(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> "Action": """ Invert the direction of this action. Parameters ---------- name : optional The new name for the inverse action. Returns ------- An action that does the exact opposite of this one. """ name = name or self.reverse_name or "r_" + action = Action(name, self.postconditions, self.preconditions) action.command_template = self.reverse_command_template action.reverse_command_template = self.command_template return action
[docs] def format_command(self, mapping: Dict[str, str] = {}): mapping = mapping or { for v in self.variables} return self.command_template.format(**mapping)
[docs]class Rule: """ A template for an action. """ def __init__(self, name: str, preconditions: Iterable[Predicate], postconditions: Iterable[Predicate]): """ Create a Rule. Parameters ---------- name : The name of this rule. preconditions : The preconditions that must hold before this rule is applied. postconditions : The conditions that replace the preconditions once applied. """ = name self.command_template = None self.reverse_rule = None self._cache = {} self.preconditions = tuple(preconditions) self.postconditions = tuple(postconditions) self._pre_set = frozenset(self.preconditions) self._post_set = frozenset(self.postconditions) self.placeholders = tuple(uniquify(ph for pred in self.all_predicates for ph in pred.parameters)) @property def all_predicates(self) -> Iterable[Predicate]: """ All the pre- and post-conditions. """ return self.preconditions + self.postconditions def __str__(self): # Infer carry-over preconditions for pretty-printing pre = [] for pred in self.preconditions: if pred in self._post_set: pre.append("$" + str(pred)) else: pre.append(str(pred)) post = [str(pred) for pred in self.postconditions if pred not in self._pre_set] return "{} :: {} -> {}".format(, " & ".join(pre), " & ".join(post)) def __repr__(self): return "Rule({!r}, {!r}, {!r})".format(, self.preconditions, self.postconditions) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Rule): return (, self._pre_set, self._post_set) == (, other._pre_set, other._post_set) else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((, self._pre_set, self._post_set))
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, expr: str) -> "Rule": """ Parse a rule expression. Parameters ---------- expr : The string to parse, in the form `name :: [$]predicate [& [$]predicate]* -> predicate [& predicate]*`. """ return _parse_and_convert(expr, rule_name="onlyRule")
[docs] def serialize(self) -> Mapping: return { "name":, "preconditions": [pred.serialize() for pred in self.preconditions], "postconditions": [pred.serialize() for pred in self.postconditions], }
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data: Mapping) -> "Rule": name = data["name"] pre = [Predicate.deserialize(pred) for pred in data["preconditions"]] post = [Predicate.deserialize(pred) for pred in data["postconditions"]] return cls(name, pre, post)
def _make_command_template(self, mapping: Mapping[Placeholder, Variable]) -> str: if self.command_template is None: return None substitutions = { "{{{}}}".format( for ph, var in mapping.items()} return self.command_template.format(**substitutions)
[docs] def substitute(self, mapping: Mapping[Placeholder, Placeholder], name=None) -> "Rule": """ Copy this rule, substituting certain placeholders for others. Parameters ---------- mapping : A mapping from old to new placeholders. """ if name is None: name = pre_subst = [pred.substitute(mapping) for pred in self.preconditions] post_subst = [pred.substitute(mapping) for pred in self.postconditions] return Rule(name, pre_subst, post_subst)
[docs] def instantiate(self, mapping: Mapping[Placeholder, Variable]) -> Action: """ Instantiate this rule with the given mapping. Parameters ---------- mapping : A mapping from Placeholders to Variables. Returns ------- The instantiated Action with each Placeholder mapped to the corresponding Variable. """ key = tuple(mapping[ph] for ph in self.placeholders) if key in self._cache: return self._cache[key] pre_inst = [pred.instantiate(mapping) for pred in self.preconditions] post_inst = [pred.instantiate(mapping) for pred in self.postconditions] action = Action(, pre_inst, post_inst) action.command_template = self._make_command_template(mapping) if self.reverse_rule: action.reverse_name = action.reverse_command_template = self.reverse_rule._make_command_template(mapping) self._cache[key] = action return action
[docs] def match(self, action: Action) -> Optional[Mapping[Placeholder, Variable]]: """ Match this rule against a concrete action. Parameters ---------- action : The action to match against. Returns ------- The mapping from placeholders to variables such that `self.instantiate(mapping) == action`, or `None` if no such mapping exists. """ if != return None candidates = [action.variables] * len(self.placeholders) # A same variable can't be assigned to different placeholders. # Using `unique_product` avoids generating those in the first place. for assignment in unique_product(*candidates): mapping = {ph: var for ph, var in zip(self.placeholders, assignment)} if self.instantiate(mapping) == action: return mapping return None
[docs] def inverse(self, name=None) -> "Rule": """ Invert the direction of this rule. Parameters ---------- name : optional The new name for the inverse rule. Returns ------- A rule that does the exact opposite of this one. """ if name is None: name = if self.reverse_rule: name = if self.reverse_rule: return self.reverse_rule rule = Rule(name, self.postconditions, self.preconditions) rule.reverse_rule = self return rule
[docs]class Inform7Type: """ Information about an Inform 7 kind. """ def __init__(self, name: str, kind: str, definition: Optional[str] = None): = name self.kind = kind self.definition = definition
[docs]class Inform7Predicate: """ Information about an Inform 7 predicate. """ def __init__(self, predicate: Predicate, source: str): self.predicate = predicate self.source = source def __str__(self): return '{} :: "{}"'.format(self.predicate, self.source) def __repr__(self): return "Inform7Predicate({!r}, {!r})".format(self.predicate, self.source)
[docs]class Inform7Command: """ Information about an Inform 7 command. """ def __init__(self, rule: str, command: str, event: str): self.rule = rule self.command = command self.event = event def __str__(self): return '{} :: "{}" :: "{}"'.format(self.rule, self.command, self.event) def __repr__(self): return "Inform7Command({!r}, {!r}, {!r})".format(self.rule, self.command, self.event)
[docs]class Inform7Logic: """ The Inform 7 bindings of a GameLogic. """ def __init__(self): self.types = {} self.predicates = {} self.commands = {} self.code = "" def _add_type(self, i7type: Inform7Type): if in self.types: raise ValueError("Duplicate Inform 7 type for {}".format( self.types[] = i7type def _add_predicate(self, i7pred: Inform7Predicate): sig = i7pred.predicate.signature if sig in self.predicates: raise ValueError("Duplicate Inform 7 predicate for {}".format(sig)) self.predicates[sig] = i7pred def _add_command(self, i7cmd: Inform7Command): rule_name = i7cmd.rule if rule_name in self.commands: raise ValueError("Duplicate Inform 7 command for {}".format(rule_name)) self.commands[rule_name] = i7cmd def _add_code(self, code: str): self.code += code + "\n" def _initialize(self, logic): self._expand_predicates(logic) self._initialize_commands(logic) def _expand_predicates(self, logic): for sig, pred in list(self.predicates.items()): params = pred.predicate.parameters types = [logic.types.get(ph.type) for ph in params] for descendant in logic.types.multi_descendants(types): mapping = {ph: Placeholder(, for ph, type in zip(params, descendant)} expanded = pred.predicate.substitute(mapping) self._add_predicate(Inform7Predicate(expanded, pred.source)) def _initialize_commands(self, logic): for name, command in list(self.commands.items()): rule = logic.rules.get(name) if not rule: continue rule.command_template = command.command
[docs]class GameLogic: """ The logic for a game (types, rules, etc.). """ def __init__(self): self._document = "" self.types = TypeHierarchy() self.predicates = set() self.aliases = {} self.rules = {} self.reverse_rules = {} self.constraints = {} self.inform7 = Inform7Logic() def _add_predicate(self, signature: Signature): if signature in self.predicates: raise ValueError("Duplicate predicate {}".format(signature)) if signature in self.aliases: raise ValueError("Predicate {} is also an alias".format(signature)) self.predicates.add(signature) def _add_alias(self, alias: Alias): sig = alias.pattern.signature if sig in self.aliases: raise ValueError("Duplicate alias {}".format(alias)) if sig in self.predicates: raise ValueError("Alias {} is also a predicate".format(alias)) self.aliases[sig] = alias def _add_rule(self, rule: Rule): if in self.rules: raise ValueError("Duplicate rule {}".format(rule)) self.rules[] = rule def _add_reverse_rule(self, rule_name, reverse_name): if rule_name in self.reverse_rules: raise ValueError("Duplicate reverse rule {}".format(rule_name)) if reverse_name in self.reverse_rules: raise ValueError("Duplicate reverse rule {}".format(reverse_name)) self.reverse_rules[rule_name] = reverse_name self.reverse_rules[reverse_name] = rule_name def _add_constraint(self, constraint: Rule): if in self.constraints: raise ValueError("Duplicate constraint {}".format(constraint)) self.constraints[] = constraint def _parse(self, document: str, path: Optional[str] = None): model = _PARSER.parse(document, filename=path) _ModelConverter(self).walk(model) self._document += document + "\n" def _initialize(self): self.aliases = {sig: self._expand_alias(alias) for sig, alias in self.aliases.items()} self.rules = {name: self.normalize_rule(rule) for name, rule in self.rules.items()} self.constraints = {name: self.normalize_rule(rule) for name, rule in self.constraints.items()} for name, rule in self.rules.items(): r_name = self.reverse_rules.get(name) if r_name: rule.reverse_rule = self.rules[r_name] self.inform7._initialize(self) def _expand_alias(self, alias): return Alias(alias.pattern, self._expand_alias_recursive(alias.replacement, set())) def _expand_alias_recursive(self, predicates, used): result = [] for pred in predicates: sig = pred.signature if sig in used: raise ValueError("Cycle of aliases involving {}".format(sig)) alias = self.aliases.get(pred.signature) if alias: expansion = alias.expand(pred) used.add(pred.signature) result.extend(self._expand_alias_recursive(expansion, used)) used.remove(pred.signature) else: result.append(pred) return result
[docs] def normalize_rule(self, rule: Rule) -> Rule: pre = self._normalize_predicates(rule.preconditions) post = self._normalize_predicates(rule.postconditions) return Rule(, pre, post)
def _normalize_predicates(self, predicates): result = [] for pred in predicates: alias = self.aliases.get(pred.signature) if alias: result.extend(alias.expand(pred)) else: result.append(pred) return result
[docs] @classmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False) def parse(cls, document: str) -> "GameLogic": result = cls() result._parse(document) result._initialize() return result
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, paths: Iterable[str]): result = cls() for path in paths: with open(path, "r") as f: result._parse(, path=path) result._initialize() return result
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data: str) -> "GameLogic": return cls.parse(data)
[docs] def serialize(self) -> str: return self._document
[docs]class State: """ The current state of a world. """ def __init__(self, logic: GameLogic, facts: Iterable[Proposition] = None): """ Create a State. Parameters ---------- logic : The logic for this state's game. facts : optional The facts that will be true in this state. """ if not isinstance(logic, GameLogic): raise ValueError("Expected a GameLogic, found {}".format(type(logic))) self._logic = logic self._facts = defaultdict(set) self._vars_by_name = {} self._vars_by_type = defaultdict(set) self._var_counts = Counter() if facts: self.add_facts(facts) @property def facts(self) -> Iterable[Proposition]: """ All the facts in the current state. """ for fact_set in self._facts.values(): yield from fact_set
[docs] def facts_with_signature(self, sig: Signature) -> Set[Proposition]: """ Returns all the known facts with the given signature. """ return self._facts.get(sig, frozenset())
[docs] def add_fact(self, prop: Proposition): """ Add a fact to the state. """ self._facts[prop.signature].add(prop) for var in prop.arguments: self._add_variable(var)
[docs] def add_facts(self, props: Iterable[Proposition]): """ Add some facts to the state. """ for prop in props: self.add_fact(prop)
[docs] def remove_fact(self, prop: Proposition): """ Remove a fact from the state. """ self._facts[prop.signature].discard(prop) for var in prop.arguments: self._remove_variable(var)
[docs] def remove_facts(self, props: Iterable[Proposition]): """ Remove some facts from the state. """ for prop in props: self.remove_fact(prop)
[docs] def is_fact(self, prop: Proposition) -> bool: """ Returns whether a proposition is true in this state. """ return prop in self._facts[prop.signature]
[docs] def are_facts(self, props: Iterable[Proposition]) -> bool: """ Returns whether the propositions are all true in this state. """ for prop in props: if not self.is_fact(prop): return False return True
@property def variables(self) -> Iterable[Variable]: """ All the variables tracked by the current state. """ return self._vars_by_name.values()
[docs] def has_variable(self, var: Variable) -> bool: """ Returns whether this state is aware of the given variable. """ return self._vars_by_name.get( == var
[docs] def variable_named(self, name: str) -> Variable: """ Returns the variable with the given name, if known. """ return self._vars_by_name[name]
[docs] def variables_of_type(self, type: str) -> Set[Variable]: """ Returns all the known variables of the given type. """ return self._vars_by_type.get(type, frozenset())
def _add_variable(self, var: Variable): name = existing = self._vars_by_name.setdefault(name, var) _check_type_conflict(name, existing.type, var.type) self._vars_by_type[var.type].add(var) self._var_counts[name] += 1 def _remove_variable(self, var: Variable): name = self._var_counts[name] -= 1 if self._var_counts[name] == 0: del self._var_counts[name] del self._vars_by_name[name] self._vars_by_type[var.type].remove(var)
[docs] def is_applicable(self, action: Action) -> bool: """ Check if an action is applicable in this state (i.e. its preconditions are met). """ return self.are_facts(action.preconditions)
[docs] def is_sequence_applicable(self, actions: Iterable[Action]) -> bool: """ Check if a sequence of actions are all applicable in this state. """ # The simplest implementation would copy the state and apply all the actions, but that would waste time both in # the copy and the variable tracking etc. facts = set(self.facts) for action in actions: old_len = len(facts) facts.difference_update(action.preconditions) if len(facts) != old_len - len(action.preconditions): return False facts.update(action.postconditions) return True
[docs] def apply(self, action: Action) -> bool: """ Apply an action to the state. Parameters ---------- action : The action to apply. Returns ------- Whether the action could be applied (i.e. whether the preconditions were met). """ if self.is_applicable(action): self.add_facts(action.added) self.remove_facts(action.removed) return True else: return False
[docs] def apply_on_copy(self, action: Action) -> Optional["State"]: """ Apply an action to a copy of this state. Parameters ---------- action : The action to apply. Returns ------- The copied state after the action has been applied or `None` if action wasn't applicable. """ if not self.is_applicable(action): return None state = self.copy() state.apply(action) return state
[docs] def all_applicable_actions(self, rules: Iterable[Rule], mapping: Mapping[Placeholder, Variable] = None) -> Iterable[Action]: """ Get all the rule instantiations that would be valid actions in this state. Parameters ---------- rules : The possible rules to instantiate. mapping : optional An initial mapping to start from, constraining the possible instantiations. Returns ------- The actions that can be instantiated from the given rules in this state. """ for rule in rules: yield from self.all_instantiations(rule, mapping)
[docs] def all_instantiations(self, rule: Rule, mapping: Mapping[Placeholder, Variable] = None ) -> Iterable[Action]: """ Find all possible actions that can be instantiated from a rule in this state. Parameters ---------- rule : The rule to instantiate. mapping : optional An initial mapping to start from, constraining the possible instantiations. Returns ------- The actions that can be instantiated from the rule in this state. """ for assignment in self.all_assignments(rule, mapping): yield rule.instantiate(assignment)
[docs] def all_assignments(self, rule: Rule, mapping: Mapping[Placeholder, Optional[Variable]] = None, partial: bool = False, allow_partial: Callable[[Placeholder], bool] = None, ) -> Iterable[Mapping[Placeholder, Optional[Variable]]]: """ Find all possible placeholder assignments that would allow a rule to be instantiated in this state. Parameters ---------- rule : The rule to instantiate. mapping : optional An initial mapping to start from, constraining the possible instantiations. partial : optional Whether incomplete mappings, that would require new variables or propositions, are allowed. allow_partial : optional A callback function that returns whether a partial match may involve the given placeholder. Returns ------- The possible mappings for instantiating the rule. Partial mappings requiring new variables will have None in place of existing Variables. """ if mapping is None: mapping = {} else: # Copy the input mapping so we can mutate it mapping = dict(mapping) used_vars = set(mapping.values()) if partial: new_phs = [ph for ph in rule.placeholders if ph not in mapping] return self._all_assignments(new_phs, mapping, used_vars, True, allow_partial) else: # Precompute the new placeholders at every depth to avoid wasted work seen_phs = set(mapping.keys()) new_phs_by_depth = [] for pred in rule.preconditions: new_phs = [] for ph in pred.parameters: if ph not in seen_phs: new_phs.append(ph) seen_phs.add(ph) new_phs_by_depth.append(new_phs) # Placeholders uniquely found in postcondition are considered as free variables. free_vars = [ph for ph in rule.placeholders if ph not in seen_phs] new_phs_by_depth.append(free_vars) return self._all_applicable_assignments(rule, mapping, used_vars, new_phs_by_depth, 0)
def _all_applicable_assignments(self, rule: Rule, mapping: Dict[Placeholder, Optional[Variable]], used_vars: Set[Variable], new_phs_by_depth: List[List[Placeholder]], depth: int, ) -> Iterable[Mapping[Placeholder, Optional[Variable]]]: """ Find all assignments that would be applicable in this state. We recurse through the rule's preconditions, at each level determining possible variable assignments from the current facts. """ new_phs = new_phs_by_depth[depth] if depth >= len(rule.preconditions): # There are no applicability constraints on the free variables, so solve them unconstrained yield from self._all_assignments(new_phs, mapping, used_vars, False) return pred = rule.preconditions[depth] types = [self._logic.types.get(t) for t in pred.signature.types] for subtypes in self._logic.types.multi_subtypes(types): signature = Signature(, [ for t in subtypes]) for prop in self.facts_with_signature(signature): for ph, var in zip(pred.parameters, prop.arguments): existing = mapping.get(ph) if existing is None: if var in used_vars: break mapping[ph] = var used_vars.add(var) elif existing != var: break else: yield from self._all_applicable_assignments(rule, mapping, used_vars, new_phs_by_depth, depth + 1) # Reset the mapping to what it was before the recursive call for ph in new_phs: var = mapping.pop(ph, None) used_vars.discard(var) def _all_assignments(self, placeholders: List[Placeholder], mapping: Dict[Placeholder, Variable], used_vars: Set[Variable], partial: bool, allow_partial: Callable[[Placeholder], bool] = None, ) -> Iterable[Mapping[Placeholder, Optional[Variable]]]: """ Find all possible assignments of the given placeholders, without regard to whether any predicates match. """ if allow_partial is None: allow_partial = lambda ph: True # noqa: E731 candidates = [] for ph in placeholders: matched_vars = set() for type in self._logic.types.get(ph.type).subtypes: matched_vars |= self.variables_of_type( matched_vars -= used_vars if partial and allow_partial(ph): # Allow new variables to be created matched_vars.add(ph) candidates.append(list(matched_vars)) for assignment in unique_product(*candidates): for ph, var in zip(placeholders, assignment): if var == ph: mapping[ph] = None elif var not in used_vars: mapping[ph] = var used_vars.add(var) else: # Distinct placeholders can't be assigned the same variable break else: yield mapping.copy() for ph in placeholders: used_vars.discard(mapping.get(ph)) for ph in placeholders: mapping.pop(ph, None)
[docs] def copy(self) -> "State": """ Create a copy of this state. """ copy = State(self._logic) for k, v in self._facts.items(): copy._facts[k] = v.copy() copy._vars_by_name = self._vars_by_name.copy() for k, v in self._vars_by_type.items(): copy._vars_by_type[k] = v.copy() copy._var_counts = self._var_counts.copy() return copy
[docs] def serialize(self) -> Sequence: """ Serialize this state. """ return [f.serialize() for f in self.facts]
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data: Sequence) -> "State": """ Deserialize a `State` object from `data`. """ return cls([Proposition.deserialize(d) for d in data])
def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, State): return set(self.facts) == set(other.facts) else: return NotImplemented def __str__(self): lines = ["State({"] for sig in sorted(self._facts.keys()): facts = self._facts[sig] if len(facts) == 0: continue lines.append(" {}: {{".format(sig)) for fact in sorted(facts): lines.append(" {},".format(fact)) lines.append(" },") lines.append("})") return "\n".join(lines)