
usage: tw-make [-h] [--third-party PATH]

Named Arguments


Load an external python file. Useful to register custom challenges on-the-fly.

Types of game to create


Possible choices: custom, tw-coin_collector, tw-treasure_hunter, tw-simple, tw-cooking



Make a custom game.

tw-make custom [-h] [--world-size SIZE] [--nb-objects NB] [--theme THEME]
               [--include-adj] [--blend-descriptions]
               [--ambiguous-instructions] [--only-last-action]
               [--blend-instructions] [--entity-numbering]
               [--nb-parallel-quests NB_PARALLEL_QUESTS]
               [--quest-length LENGTH] [--quest-breadth BREADTH]
               [--quest-min-length LENGTH] [--quest-max-length LENGTH]
               [--quest-min-breadth BREADTH] [--quest-max-breadth BREADTH]
               [--quest-min-depth DEPTH] [--quest-max-depth DEPTH]
               [--output PATH] [--seed SEED] [--format {ulx,z8}] [--overview]
               [--save-overview] [-f] [--silent | -v]

Custom game settings


Nb. of rooms in the world.

Default: 5


Minimum nb. of objects in the world.

Default: 10

Grammar settings


Theme to use for generating the text. Default: “house”

Default: “house”


Turn on adjectives.

Default: False


Blend descriptions across consecutive sentences.

Default: False


Refer to an object using its type (e.g. red container vs. red chest).

Default: False


Intruction only describes the last action of quest.

Default: False


Blend instructions across consecutive actions.

Default: False


Append a number after an entity name if there is not enough variation for it (e.g. ‘red apple 2’).

Default: False

Quest settings


Nb. of parallel quests the game will have. Default: 1.

Default: 1


Nb. of actions the quest requires to be completed. It is a shorthand for ‘–quest-min-length N –quest-max-length N –quest-max-depth N’.


Nb. of subquests the quests will have. It is a shorthand for ‘–quest-min-breadth N –quest-max-breadth N’.

Quest settings (advanced)


Minimum nb. of actions the quest requires to be completed. This setting is ignored if –quest-length is provided. Default: 1.

Default: 1


Maximum nb. of actions the quest requires to be completed. This setting is ignored if –quest-length is provided. Default: 5.

Default: 5


Minimum nb. of subquests the quests can have. This setting is ignored if –quest-breadth is provided. Default: 1.

Default: 1


Maxmimum nb. of subquests the quests can have. This setting is ignored if –quest-breadth is provided. Default: 5.

Default: 5


Minimum nb. of actions the subquests can have. Default: 1.

Default: 1


Maximum nb. of actions the subquests can have. This setting is ignored if –quest-length is provided. Default: 5.

Default: 5

General settings


Path where to save the generated game. If it points to a folder, the game’s UUID will be used as the filename.

Default: “./tw_games/”


Possible choices: ulx, z8

Which format to use when compiling the game. Default: “z8”

Default: “z8”


Display an overview of the generated game.

Default: False


Save the overview image of the generated game alongside the game as a PNG file.

Default: False

-f, --force

Default: False


Default: False

-v, --verbose

Default: False


Generate a Coin Collector game

tw-make tw-coin_collector [-h] --level LEVEL [--output PATH] [--seed SEED]
                          [--format {ulx,z8}] [--overview] [--save-overview]
                          [-f] [--silent | -v]

Coin Collector game settings


The difficulty level. Must be between 1 and 300 (included).

General settings


Path where to save the generated game. If it points to a folder, the game’s UUID will be used as the filename.

Default: “./tw_games/”


Possible choices: ulx, z8

Which format to use when compiling the game. Default: “z8”

Default: “z8”


Display an overview of the generated game.

Default: False


Save the overview image of the generated game alongside the game as a PNG file.

Default: False

-f, --force

Default: False


Default: False

-v, --verbose

Default: False


Generate a Treasure Hunter game

tw-make tw-treasure_hunter [-h] --level LEVEL [--output PATH] [--seed SEED]
                           [--format {ulx,z8}] [--overview] [--save-overview]
                           [-f] [--silent | -v]

Treasure Hunter game settings


The difficulty level. Must be between 1 and 30 (included).

General settings


Path where to save the generated game. If it points to a folder, the game’s UUID will be used as the filename.

Default: “./tw_games/”


Possible choices: ulx, z8

Which format to use when compiling the game. Default: “z8”

Default: “z8”


Display an overview of the generated game.

Default: False


Save the overview image of the generated game alongside the game as a PNG file.

Default: False

-f, --force

Default: False


Default: False

-v, --verbose

Default: False


Generate simple challenge game

tw-make tw-simple [-h] --rewards {dense,balanced,sparse} --goal
                  {detailed,brief,none} [--test] [--output PATH] [--seed SEED]
                  [--format {ulx,z8}] [--overview] [--save-overview] [-f]
                  [--silent | -v]

Simple game settings


Possible choices: dense, balanced, sparse

The reward frequency: dense, balanced, or sparse.


Possible choices: detailed, brief, none

The description of the game’s objective shown at the beginning of the game: detailed, bried, or none


Whether this game should be drawn from the test distributions of games.

Default: False

General settings


Path where to save the generated game. If it points to a folder, the game’s UUID will be used as the filename.

Default: “./tw_games/”


Possible choices: ulx, z8

Which format to use when compiling the game. Default: “z8”

Default: “z8”


Display an overview of the generated game.

Default: False


Save the overview image of the generated game alongside the game as a PNG file.

Default: False

-f, --force

Default: False


Default: False

-v, --verbose

Default: False


Generate cooking games similar to those used for the First TextWorld Problem (FTWP) competition (

tw-make tw-cooking [-h] [--recipe INT] [--take INT] [--go {1,6,9,12}] [--open]
                   [--cook] [--cut] [--drop] [--recipe-seed INT]
                   [--split {train,valid,test}] [--output PATH] [--seed SEED]
                   [--format {ulx,z8}] [--overview] [--save-overview] [-f]
                   [--silent | -v]

The Cooking Game settings


Number of ingredients in the recipe. Default: 1

Default: 1


Number of ingredients to find. It must be less or equal to the value of --recipe. Default: 0

Default: 0


Possible choices: 1, 6, 9, 12

Number of locations in the game (1, 6, 9, or 12). Default: 1

Default: 1


Whether containers/doors need to be opened.

Default: False


Whether some ingredients need to be cooked.

Default: False


Whether some ingredients need to be cut.

Default: False


Whether the player’s inventory has limited capacity.

Default: False


Random seed used for generating the recipe. Default: 0

Default: 0


Possible choices: train, valid, test

Specify the game distribution to use. Food items (adj-noun pairs) are split in three subsets. Also, the way the training food items can be prepared is further divided in three subsets.

  • train: training food and their corresponding training preparations

  • valid: valid food + training food but with unseen valid preparations

  • test: test food + training food but with unseen test preparations

Default: game is drawn from the joint distribution over train, valid, and test.

General settings


Path where to save the generated game. If it points to a folder, the game’s UUID will be used as the filename.

Default: “./tw_games/”


Possible choices: ulx, z8

Which format to use when compiling the game. Default: “z8”

Default: “z8”


Display an overview of the generated game.

Default: False


Save the overview image of the generated game alongside the game as a PNG file.

Default: False

-f, --force

Default: False


Default: False

-v, --verbose

Default: False