The Cooking Game

This type of game was used for the competition First TextWorld Problems [1]. The overall objective of the game is to locate the kitchen, read the cookbook, fetch the recipe’s ingredients, process them accordingly, prepare the meal, and eat it. To control the game’s difficulty, one can specify the amount of skills that are involved to solve it (see skills section below).



usage: tw-make tw-cooking [-h] [--recipe INT] [--take INT] [--go {1,6,9,12}]
                          [--open] [--cook] [--cut] [--drop]
                          [--recipe-seed INT] [--split {train,valid,test}]

The Cooking Game settings


Number of ingredients in the recipe. Default: 1

Default: 1


Number of ingredients to find. It must be less or equal to the value of --recipe. Default: 0

Default: 0


Possible choices: 1, 6, 9, 12

Number of locations in the game (1, 6, 9, or 12). Default: 1

Default: 1


Whether containers/doors need to be opened.

Default: False


Whether some ingredients need to be cooked.

Default: False


Whether some ingredients need to be cut.

Default: False


Whether the player’s inventory has limited capacity.

Default: False


Random seed used for generating the recipe. Default: 0

Default: 0


Possible choices: train, valid, test

Specify the game distribution to use. Food items (adj-noun pairs) are split in three subsets. Also, the way the training food items can be prepared is further divided in three subsets.

  • train: training food and their corresponding training preparations

  • valid: valid food + training food but with unseen valid preparations

  • test: test food + training food but with unseen test preparations

Default: game is drawn from the joint distribution over train, valid, and test.