Source code for textworld.envs.wrappers.viewer

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import threading
from typing import Tuple

from textworld.core import Environment, GameState, Wrapper
from textworld.render.serve import VisualizationService
from textworld.render import WebdriverNotFoundError

[docs]class HtmlViewer(Wrapper): def __init__(self, env: Environment, open_automatically=True, port: int = 8080) -> None: """ Wrap a TextWorld environment to provide visualization. During a playthrough, the game can be visualized via local webserver http://localhost:<port>. Parameters ---------- :param env: The TextWorld environment to wrap. :param port: Port to use for the web viewer. """ super().__init__(env) self._port = port self._server = None self.game_state = None self.open_automatically = open_automatically # Rendering requires some additional information. = True self.request_infos.facts = True self.request_infos.inventory = True self.request_infos.objective = True @property def port(self): if self._server: return self._server.port return self._port def _stop_server(self) -> None: """ Stop local webserver (if running). """ if self._server is not None: self._server.stop_server() self._server = None
[docs] def step(self, command: str) -> Tuple[GameState, float, bool]: """ Perform a game step. Parameters ---------- command : Text command to send to the game engine. Returns ------- game_state : Updated game state. score : Score for reaching this state. done : Whether the same is done or not. """ game_state, score, done = super().step(command) self.game_state = game_state self._server.update_state(game_state, command) return game_state, score, done
[docs] def reset(self) -> GameState: """ Reset the game. Returns ------- Initial game state. """ game_state = super().reset() self._stop_server() # In case it is still running. try: self._server = VisualizationService(game_state, self.open_automatically) self._server.start(threading.current_thread(), port=self._port) except WebdriverNotFoundError as e: print("Missing dependencies for using HtmlViewer. See 'Visualization' section of TextWorld's") raise e return game_state
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the game. In addition to shutting down the game, this closes the local webserver. """ self._stop_server() super().close()